====================================================================== Title : Quake C - Integrated Development Environment BETA Version : 0.6 BETA (in fact early beta) Author : Matthias Reich E-mail address : matthias.reich@physik.uni-regensburg.de Description : A IDE for developing QuakeC Patches. - All you ever need for editing and switching between the various *.qc files of Quake - All standard editing functions like cut&paste, load, save, saveAs, search&replace, even a DOSShell ;) - Quick Access to all files collected in PROGS.SRC - Multiple Patch-Directories - many, many planned features (see below) Credits : id Software, for Quake Format : DOS Executable ====================================================================== Files: README.TXT this file QUAKEIDE.EXE the DOS executable QIDE.CFG the configuration file (plain text) QIDE.CFG contains the Source-Directory in the first line (where your Sources complete with the original PROGS.SRC are located, they won't be modified, just used for completing 'from scratch'-patches). The working or patch directory in the second line. You can set both directories in the program. Well, your working directory is visible in the status line and can always be changed. You can use the IDE just like any other editor. Standard FileMenu, standard EditMenu, SearchMenu, ... Open as many files as you like (ahem, just a sec... don't open files larger than 64k and don't open too many files, cause memory is still limited to low DOS, that means 640k :( ) But there's another Menu... The Quake-Menu . . . Open all Sources (that are in your working directory's PROGS.SRC) at once, in one Window, easy to switch between by using a scrolling list box ... couldn't be easier... Well, this Software is Mailware, which means please mail, so that I get new hints what is really important, and to find all the bugs that are in the program. Right now I know of many bugs, but they are not really dangerous, as far as I know they even cannot cause data loss, BUT : DISCLAIMER : I cannot be held responsible for any damage this program might cause. Use it at your own risk. Known Bugs: - The Quake-Source window doesn't behave well, it sort of blocks some commands, while letting others work perfectly ... Must have something to do with the handleEvent routine... that i didn't rewrite yet for the new object. Just close the window by using the close button (or Alt-F3) then all other commands are available again. - The above bug also blocks the FileOpen. Workaround : Close the QSource window, then open the files you like (progs.src for example) and then reopen it. You can then access all open editing windows. Plans for future enhancements : - Syntax Highlighting (once I'm a bit into QuakeC I will soon figure out most important keywords ... ) - Error-Checking : Find programming errors soon. - Compiler Link ... Compile your PROGS.DAT from the IDE. - Quake-Starter : Start Quake with your ready-to-go PROGS.DAT - More Memory for even more files ... perhaps also bigger files - Make Use of the right mouse button, perhaps change your PROGS.SRC while Sources Window open - once I got all the ideas and that right... a Win32 version... Well, I'm also looking for some help... - Suggestions for future enhancements (mail, please) - Bug Reports (please describe the problem exactly and how I can reproduce it) - Pascal Programmer (yes, this IDE is written in Turbo Pascal, OOP) I need some trick/workaround to get the exact Path where the executable is located for finding the Config-File. Right now, when the program is excuted and can't locate the QIDE.CFG, a new default one is being created in the current directory. How can I quickly copy a text file from one directory to another. (at the moment I'm using a hidden DOSshell-out to exec a copy command :-\ ) - Some other help... perhaps someone is willing to do the Win32 Port ... ? should be no big problem, cause most objects are standard objects. (editor, desktop, ...) - Should I ever cease developing this program, I will release the source, (so that everyone can laugh on my poor programming technique) so that someone can wipe away the last few bugs and then completely rewrite it to be more efficient, smaller and better ... :) Have Fun playing and modifying QUAKE. matthias Internet: matthias.reich@physik.uni-regensburg.de FIDO (will change '97) : 2:2494/370.32